
What will your tax-deductible gift accomplish? A study was done in March of 2023 by UNICEF and found that over 1,000 children under 5 die each day from illness caused by unsafe drinking water. Missionaries around the world are looking for ways to be accepted by the people they want to serve. By providing good water they can gain their trust and get them on the track to better health.

Please donate now for clean water.

Florence and Sonia are missionaries that run Vida Christian Academy and clinic in La Ceiba, Honduras. From there they reach out to the surrounding villages, mostly remote, to provide clinical assistance and set up schools for the children. Currently they have four Better Living Water filter systems operating and need more. After 8 months operation

“All of the filters are working perfectly and providing tons of safe water.” Florence M.

“We need this, we have wells but the people are still getting sick.” Pastor Rick E.

So, we sent a system to Addis Ababa Ethiopia with Mulugeta, one of pastor Rick’s pastors there.
In both circumstances they have a well and use surface water for consumption, unfortunately the water is very contaminated, and the people are forced to buy bottled water for consumption or risk deadly disease.
Our goal is to provide a filter system to anyone that asks. Currently we have requests for more systems from Honduras, Ethiopia, Haiti, and Zambia. Your gift will help curb this trend of sickness.

Wells cost between $20,000 and $30,000 U.S. each, and our system costs less than $2,000.00. One system can easily provide 500 gallons of safe drinking water per day. For the price of 1 well we can supply more than 10 systems covering a larger area and serving more people.

What will your tax-deductible gift accomplish?

Your gifts will help save the lives of children!