Filter System

After years of study, research, and design, the system I am most satisfied with is this surface water pump and ceramic filter. The hand pump can build pressure to force surface water through the filter at a rate of 3 gallons per minute. For the areas with electricity, the system can be easily modified to hook up to a pump to filter water at a rate of 7 gallons per minute.

We offer a water filtration system that can be placed beside any river, stream, lake, or pond and supply bacteria free water to a few families or a village of people. They can draw water from the source, filter out any bacteria and provide an ample supply of safe drinking water.

The system is relativity small and is easily transported to any location. It can be carried by an individual, tied to a horse or mule, or pulled in a cart. The system is hand operated so no electricity is needed or, with a few modifications, can be hooked to an electric pumping system if electricity is available.

Maintenance on the system is minimal. The pump is a sturdy ‘Pitcher Pump’ meaning the seals on the pump are strong enough to build pressure to the filter system. Adjustments to the seals assure its proper operation. The filter is made of a hard ceramic substance and will require weekly cleaning to assure proper water flow through the filter. Depending on the clarity of the source water, the ceramic filter can efficiently filter thousands of gallons (liters) of water before the ceramic needs to be replaced.

We offer complete instructions to set up the system on site, and complete instructions on maintenance of the system.